Sunday, November 10th, 2019
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Dorothy Betts Marvin Theatre
The George Washington University

J.LIVE (Japanese Learning Inspired Vision and Engagement) Talk is a college-level Japanese language speech competition that emphasizes a comprehensive range of learned communication skills.
Unlike a traditional speech contest, this competition will evaluate the dynamism, vision and level of engagement of each participant’s presentation, which can include audio-visual materials, audience interaction, and other innovations that enhance his or her talk in a manner similar to the TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) talks. The competition aims to provide a platform for graduate and undergraduate students of institutions of higher education to:
- showcase their proficiency in Japanese
- polish their public speaking skills
- share ideas from their unique perspectives and
- connect with the larger Japanese-affiliated community.
The competition consists of a preliminary round, the semifinal round, and the final round. During the preliminary round (September 1, 2019 – September 23, 2019) entrants send in a short video on a designated topic.
Two different panels of judges will narrow down the field to 18 semifinalists and subsequently to 9 finalists. The final round consisting of 9 live presentations will be held at The George Washington University on Sunday, November 10, 2019. The top awards will include a chance to study abroad in Japan, as well as cash prizes.