The K-12 Competencies program is designated to develop lasting institutional relationships with K-12 schools and educators to enhance student and teacher access to East Asian studies resources. Below are activities designed for the program and please redirect to the individual pages by clicking the hyperlinks to find out more about each of the activities and how to apply for them.

Resource packages for Model United Nations, featuring scenarios focused on East Asia

A series of interviews about hot topics in East Asian contemporary affairs with an area expert. This will serve as a specialized module for classroom learning.

Provides teachers with informational sessions facilitated by East Asian studies area specialists and policymakers, while working with NRC curriculum designers to create their own lesson plans and develop evaluation metrics for the classroom that would ideally integrate a public service component.

Additional resources on East Asia for teachers to incorporate in their classrooms. Provides thorough explanations and guides for target countries: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan.

The Junior Japan Bowl is an academic competition, modeled after the National Japan Bowl, which was created in 1992 by the Japan-America Society of Washington DC. This page provides resources created for the annual Junior Japan Bowl competition with links to competition videos, reports, and the Jr. Japan Bowl’s website.

K-12 educators with specializations or interests in East Asian languages, history, and culture will serve as advisory council members, collaborating with NRC staff to develop curriculum materials and workshops.

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